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fire escape (防火)太平門[梯],安全出口。

fire extinguisher

A coffin - sized shower is en suite , and storage is provided by a shallow closet and 10 - inch - deep shelves cut into the wall . two hot plates and a small sink make up the kitchen . two dirty windows allow light to filter into the basement room , and the fire escape could conceivably double as a shared patio 房間里的衛生間只有棺材大小,儲藏室為襄在墻上的一個小壁櫥和幾排25厘米深的貨架,兩只電爐和一個狹小的下水洞構成了廚房,臟兮兮的兩扇窗戶讓陽光照進房間,此外,屋內還有一把防火梯。

Finally , professor bray s study has called on more government s ttentions and actions in regulating and monitoring private tutoring : “ though the education and manpower bureau , the governing body of education policy in hong kong , has updated its regulatory framework by requiring tutorial centres to register and follow providing fire escapes in 2004 , but individual and small - group tutoring are not covered by these regulations 最后,貝磊教授的研究呼吁政府應該對補習教育注視及監管: “雖然教育統籌局在二零零四年更新了加強了對補習社的規管,要求補習社到某一規模必須向政府注冊,并要符合消防條例,個別補習和小組授課仍不納入監管范圍里

It is particularly noteworthy that during the raid in the anzhen building , our seal boys attempted to break into the building from the fire escape , which was unexpectedly blocked or recontructed for other use by the properties company . they had to abort the mission after all pliers were worn out 特別值得一提的是海豹突擊隊突襲安貞大廈時,特種部隊的小伙子們沿消防通道突擊,不想消防通道被物業公司封堵或改做他用,擰壞多把鉗子后不得不宣告任務失敗撤離。

Conventional production activities , which are legitimate uses within existing industrial buildings , may be fire hazard prone while commercial and general office uses within the same building may attract members of the public who are unfamiliar with the fire escape routes 傳統設于現有工業樓宇內的生產活動,一般火警危險性較高,而商業或一般辦公室用途則往往會吸引不熟悉大廈走火通道的公眾人士前來,如將這兩種用途混存于同一大廈內,將易于發生危險。

Iron - clad buildings line the streets , and emergency fire escapes stick out of the houses as if they were the stairs of a ship about to dock in a harbor 街道兩側林立著鐵鑄建筑,而緊急火災出口從這些房屋中凸伸出來,仿佛它們就是一艘即將停泊入港的輪船的舷梯。

Since the 1980s , the buildings department has conducted clearances of illegal rooftop structures to remove risks to building structures or from inadequate fire escapes 自八十年代以來,屋宇署致力把違例的天臺搭建物清拆,以免它們危及樓宇結構和走火通道。

They joined the line of people in the fire escape and when they reached the 15th floor heard the noise of the south tower collapsing 他們立刻加入沿火警緊急出口撤離的人流,在到達第15層時,他們聽到南塔倒塌的隆隆聲。

Teachers , please check the fire escape map posted in your classroom , and have your class exit according to the map during the drill 疏散路線圖將張貼于各教室內,請教師們參閱,并于演習時,按指定的出入口疏散。

The extreme foreshortening of his 1925 “ fire escape ” , for example , shot from below , shows a fellow climbing on a ladder 例如, 1925 “烈火逃往” ,極短的前景,從下往上照去,顯示一個正在爬梯子的人。

The reason why so many people were killed in the big fire is that the building was built without any fire escapes 這么多的人在大火中喪生,其原因是那座樓房里沒有太平門。

Fire rating materials , directional signs for fire escape , dangerous goods , types of dangerous goods , etc 防火物料、走火方向指示牌、危險品、危險品種類等

The fire escape 火災通道!

That ' s a fire escape 這是消防通道

I can ' t confirm that he didn ' t open his window and go down the fire escape 我不能證實他沒有打開窗戶從防火通道出去

Fire escape - please keep closed 火警時隨手關門

Cover the windows , doors , fire escape , every goddamn point of exit 封鎖所有窗戶,門,逃生門,所有可進出的地方

I ' m gonna need you to boost me up to that fire escape - - cable -你推我一把,我去爬那個消防梯-檢查線路的!

- i ' m gonna need you to boost me up to that fire escape - cable -你推我一把,我去爬那個消防梯-檢查線路的!

38 are fire escapes available for buildings more than one story high 廠內超過一層高的大廈有防火梯嗎